Computer Engineering and figures


Computer Engineering also known as CoE or CpE is a branch from engineering that includes computer sciente and electronic devices engineering, that are included in the hardware of the computer (the physical part of it) and also in its software (the part that we cannot touch like the operative system, its connexion and so on. Computer engineers usually havestudied something related to electronic knowledge, software design, and integration instead of only some of them, because it really is a huge mix of those said before.

These people work with eletronical devices and computers, chidlren nowadays are really into these kind of elements, from cell phones to computers and videogame consoles, they really feel atraction to them and feel like they can control them all. IT resources are an interesting tool since students actually enjoy using them as they take part of their daily lives.


Children already know how these devides look alike from the outside and its utilities and we can take advantagr of that, a computer has a screen that can be a rectangle, you use the keyboard to write things and search for information by pushing small cubes with letters on them and you also move the mouse, which usually has a rounded shape with some divisions.

Laptops are also part of the hardware and they are formed by two rectangles that can close and open, icons of different applications also include geometric figures. Even in the smaller parts inside a computer, we can identify multiple figures and its functions which can be a good opportunity to teach children how computers work on the inside, in the latest courses of Primary Education and also in Secondary Education since it should be a common knowledge as we progress in this field.
